Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Lebron James: Stay in Cleveland

It's really simple. You have failed to win a title in 7 years. If you leave, you will not have a chance to win one in Cleveland. That will be closing the book on this volume.

It would be an abject failure.

For the last two years, the Cavs have had a good enough team to win the title according to the regular season record, the pundits, and most of all the betting line.

The biggest reason the Cavaliers didn't win was: YOU!

Lebron, you didn't step up and be the man the team needed.

Stay in Cleveland and do what you haven't done so far.

Be a leader, and take personal responsibility.

The team didn't win because you didn't succeed. It isn't the supporting cast, the coach, or the front office.

By staying in town, and working to change the team in necessary ways, you will actually get more money, more credit, and less burden.

At some point you must win the NBA championship to be the best. In fact you have to do it more than once to be an all-time great.

If you do it in Cleveland you will deserve all the acolades you get.
If you fail, at least you will have stood on the principle of loyal and responsibility.

This may actually get you pass.

Take it.

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