Monday, December 10, 2007

Oprah backlash? Hillary is safe!

The latest NYT poll gives bad news for Obama

"For all the hype and attention she has received, the poll indicates that Oprah Winfrey may not be having much of an impact on moving voters. Just one percent of Democrats said Winfrey's endorsement of Obama would make it more likely to vote for him while 14 percent said it would make it less likely they would support his candidacy and 80 percent said it would make no difference. By contrast, 44 percent said Bill Clinton's involvement with his wife's campaign would make it more likely for the them to support her, 7 percent said less and 46 percent said it would make no difference. "

If this holds true, once the media frenzy is over and the race settles. Hillary will expand her lead. I think average Americans resent Obama's fawning press treatment/Hillary nasty press treatment. If so, it will show up in a rise of support for Hillary once this wave runs out of steam.

To all Hillary supporters, stand strong and watch a champion win.

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