Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Top 5 *reasonable) things no espn employee will say

5.  Becky Hammon should work in WNBA because there shouldn't be female coaches in NBA
            - NBA is like a fraternity, just like WNBA should be a like a sorority

4.   Michael Sam is attracted to men, so he shouldn't be in the private part of the locker room, just
      like Becky Hammon won't be.
3.   Men and women are 100% equal.  If any man or any woman hits any other man or any other  woman they can and should expect to be hit back hard.  So everyone stop hitting.

2.    Former white athletes looking to get into the media or coaching are held to a higher standard than black athletes in terms of communication skills, and it's wrong.  There should be one standard.
1.    A person making an honest statement expressing a respected viewpoint should not be suspended or fired even if some powerful group disagrees.

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