Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Democrats for traditional marriage

You can see my latest statements on how
Democrats should stand against Gay Marriage.

In this Congress, we Democrats as a party can stand for traditional marriage in a real way.
The trick is to come up with legislation that divorced or wary members of congress can support without feeling like hypocrites.

2010 Strengthening Traditional Marriage Act:


It would define marriage as the union of one man and one woman for life.


Any couple seeking to have a Federally recongnized marriage would need to submit to 6 months of counseling (at least 6 sessions) that involved a factual presentation of the historical benefits and problems that can be expected.

Without this certification, no public benefits would flow to them as a unit. For those already married, they could go through post-wedding counseling.


Finally, any couple seeking to divorce must individually submit to counseling for 6 months (at least 6 sessions) that involved a factual presentation of the problems that can be expected, and how their union migt be re-invigorated.

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