Thursday, December 3, 2009

It is not ok for Elin to hit Tiger

Where are all the people who think it is so wrong for a man to EVER hit a woman. Well what do you think about a man hitting a woman who's hitting him with a golf club?

It there's never any reason for a man to hit a woman, and women are equal to men, then there's never any reason for a woman to hit a man.

She should be arrested.

Mind you, I don't accept this women as equals point of view. Mostly and mainly because women don't accept this women as equals point of view.

If they did, they would have written what I just did above.

Women who believe in equality should use this opportunity to speak out against Tiger Wood's wife Elin and say it is wrong to attack someone. There is never any reason.

The truth is people think this is ok.
Then the same people are shocked when Chris Brown did what he did.

I'm being consistent.
It is wrong to hit other people.

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