Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Nevada Caucus should be a Primary

This whole idea of a caucus is not suited for a high stakes Presidential election. In Iowa there were thousands who could not participate, and they fell into certain groups. If you are older you are less likely to want to go out at night for hours and do all involved to caucus. If you have to work and are paid hourly without benefits you definitely would be less inclined to go caucus. In this election the absence of these types of voters definitely hurt Hillary and Edwards to some extent. They are the people that are less likely to be influenced by lofty rhetoric and more interested in solving everyday problems.

Nevada's caucus comes up next. Molly Boll describes some of the problems:

Steven Forman would love to participate in Nevada's Jan. 19 presidential caucuses. But as an observant Jew, he can't vote on a Saturday.
"I just think it's totally disrespectful," Forman, a salesman in
Las Vegas, said of the caucuses' timing. "Would they have it on a Sunday? Of course not."

(It was modeled after Iowa)

"There are a lot of Iowans who are in the military," she said. "They were in Iraq or Afghanistan or somewhere else serving our country. ... And there are a lot of people who work at night, people who are on their feet, people who are taking care of patients in a hospital or waiting on a table in a restaurant or maybe in a patrol car, keeping our streets safe."

Though this caucus will be held on Saturday, and some provisions will be made for some workers the overall process is not broad based and legitimate enough for Presidential politics.

The Democratic Party to its' credit wanted to diversify the early state nomination process to include more people from diverse backgrounds with different interests. Yet, they should make them Primaries unless the Caucus system becomes something that works in the interest of the average voter.

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