Friday, June 12, 2020

Trump worse for Black Voters in modern times

President Obama has so clearly done more than Trump for black voters. However, we’re in a moment where some people think Trump’s proclamations are racist in themselves while others actually believe he’s been a great Potus for black voters.

Donald Trump has been the worst President for African Americans in modern time. As Joe Biden said, “you ain’t black” (jokingly) if you are having a tough time deciding between the two.

Here’s an example of how Obama was so good for black voters and Trump so bad. Before I do realize part of our problem is we had super high expectations for Obama and super low for Trump:

- affordable care act
- recovery act
- promote diversity in law and practice
- judges
- budgets
- role model
- ambassador of good will

- cut healthcare
- pandemic
- promoted racial tension
- promote cynicism
- bad conservative judges
- bad role model
- horrible budgets

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