Wednesday, September 9, 2020

How I know Biden will not win Florida

 It’s a good proposition in electoral politics that if something hasn’t happened in the past, it won’t happen next time until something really big changes.

Since 2000, No Presidential battleground state has voted for a Democrat or Republican if that state hadn’t already voted for a member of their party for Potus, Governor or Senator in the past 4 years.

So based on history Trump will win Florida because Obama was last to win office as Democrat in Florida in 2012. Since then Democrats have lost the Governor race 2x, potus, 2 senate seats. Not gonna happen for Biden! Same for Texas. Same for Georgia.

Good news is Democrats CAN win:

Arizona  elected Sinema to Senate

Wisconsin elected Tony Evers Governor 

Michigan elected  Gretchen Wilmer Governor 

Ohio elected Sherrod Brown Senator 

North Carolina elected Roy Cooper Governor 

But count Florida, Georgia, Texas out because they have rejected the Democratic message consistently and aren’t going to change at the Presidential level.

2000 election 

Bush won West Virginia which was a flip from 2000 but Cecil Underwood was governor 

2004 election 

Bush won New Mexico which was a flip from 2000 but Pete Domenici was US Senator 

Bush won Iowa which was a flip from 2000 but Chuck Grassley was US Senator 

2008 election

Obama won North Carolina but John Edwards was Senator 

Obama won Indiana but Evan Bayh was Senator 

Obama won Missouri but Claire McCaskill was Senator 

Obama won Virginia but Tim Kaine was Governor 

Obama won Florida but Bill Nelson was Senator 


States went as expected. 


Trump won Michigan, which had R Snyder governor 

Trump won Pennsylvania which had Pat Toomey Senator 

Trump won Wisconsin which had Scott Walker Governor

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welp! This was wrong! Biden won Georgia and had no shot in Ohio. Overall still a good way to approach analysis though