Monday, March 4, 2019

Joe Biden will never be President!

Joe Biden was a great Vice President. He helped President Obama be a great Potus.
When the history is written decades from now Obama will be a top 5 President:

F D Roosevelt

Joe Biden can rightfully take credit in this.

Helping the county survive the Great Recession, fighting the terrorists and bringing Bin Laden to justice, passing ACA healthcare plan, restoring our international reputation, being role models for our nations’s youth, etc., etc.

Those eight years erased many failed attempts at running for President.  They combined with many good things done in a long distinguished Senate career, has left Joe Biden as a towering American leader and historical figure.


If he runs for President AGAIN....

- all of his mis-statements and past gaffes will be re-introduced to the public
- all of his political mistakes, votes, being on the wrong side of history will return
- his age and lack of connection to current politics will be exposed

Today’s Democratic Party wants:

- young, female, person of color, progressive, bold, consistent leadership

Joe Biden pretty much fails all of these.

He can not and will not win.
So hope  he doesn’t run and  ruin his legacy!

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