Wednesday, February 6, 2008

SurveUsa gets 5 of the big 6 right

Surveyusa had a good night overall: final margin error avg.: 4.89

Alabama - they had obama by 2 (right call error: 12 points)
Calfiornia - they had clinton by 10 (right call error: zero)
new jersey - they had clinton by 11(right call error: 1 point)
missouri - they had clinton by 11 (wrong call error:10 points)
mass. - they had clinton by 17 (right call error: 1point)
conn. - they had obama by 2 (right call error: 2points)
illinois - they had obama by 36(right call error:4points)
ny - they had clinton by 18 (right call erorr: 1point)
okl - they had clinton by 27(right call error: 13 points)

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